Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Iron Lady

Keeping up appearances
for the benefit of others
is exhausting,
particularly when
your own needs
are put on the back burner,
leaving you
a sink full of pots
with scorched bottoms.

~ Mk Michaels,  2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Little Girl, Lost

Running freely,
arms stretched wide.
Laughing loudly,
without inhibition
High on life,
trusting completely
in the perfection of love. 


Without warning, the landscape is unfamiliar.
A recurring dream since childhood of
being in my neighborhood,
but recognizing nothing.
Primal fear rising

“What if I never find my way home again?”
~ Mk Michaels, 2014



Monday, October 13, 2014

This Life of Mine

This life of mine
isn’t for lightweights,
although I’d hardly consider myself a heavyweight.
Shouldering the heaviness of
my children,
our home,
my grief,
their grief
all in parallel with PTA meetings,
keeping the refrigerator stocked,
toilet paper supplied,
mountains of laundry cleaned,
 worries over potholes,
and a neighbor who wants to start a home-daycare,
is too much…
some days.
Forget finding time for what feeds me;
my garden,
creating beauty,
my relationship,
growing food,
sitting still to watch our chickens free range
in the back field,
being quiet.
Sometimes, I find time to write,
like today.
There are times I want to put it all down
and find comfort in the arms of an angels
who would feed me buttered toast and tea,
stroking my hair while I wept,
and hand me tissues,
the good kind with the lotion in them.
Angels, you see, are in short supply
and most, no matter how kind hearted they are,
fight their own battles and are tired too.
But I don’t judge and usually I don’t complain because
without exception
everything I have ever judged has come full circle
to bite me in the ass.
So I try very hard not to judge
lest I have another pound of flesh
bitten off.
When my ‘woe is me, I don’t have an angel today’ pity party
becomes too disgusting for even me to bear,
I remember a family I met in Vietnam.
They lived in a place of great beauty
but were so poor,
they had little they could call their own.
They sold fruit to tourists who would likely
let the fruit go shamefully to waste
for fear of contracting a stomach bug.
This mother, father, son, and baby daughter had so little
but were happy, their smiles sincere,
their time spent outside in their
rustic floating village.
When it feels I am near a breaking point
gratitude keeps me levelheaded.
I could stand in any single room of my home and have more
at my fingertips than that family
would have in a year … or a lifetime.
Clean running water,
food, clothing, and schools for my children,
a computer, paper, pencils, and all the books I could want
which afford me the supreme luxury
of endless knowledge and words.
I cannot lose sight of these things
even when my angels are busy battling their demons
and go missing.
~ Mk Michaels, 2014