Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Picket Fences

In a gutter overflowing with
pretenders, perverts and philanderers,
I hoped to find a strange bedfellow,
if only for a night or two.

In a quest, likely doomed from the beginning,
I sought a temporary savior
in a lair of cheats and liars.

Spurred on by the smell of burning picket fences,
I really didn’t care whether my search proved successful
…or not.

I found a diamond in the rough,
except the rough isn’t so very and the diamond most brilliant.
With patience, persistence, and petal softness,
Without being intimidated by the rusty wire fences
and riot police gear he was met with,
this diamond, my diamond,
found the heart I had sent into hiding.

Oh, the picket fences still burn,
but I care a lot less about their demise.

Mk Michaels, 2011