Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Carnival Fun House

You came, telling me my siren’s song had drawn you near.
Beckoning me to enter the Carnival Fun House
I entered willingly believing all I heard,
wanting to hear the fairy tale again and again and again.

Lured by your long lost song,
brightly lit, flashing lights, and
calliope tunes lending their accompaniment.
Clever mirror tricks distorted your truth.

You cautioned me
            take care of the little girl,
so wounded by love and life that
she could pull me under as she drowns
Take care of the little girl who loves me so much that it frightens her.
She will be kind.
She will never stray.
…..unkept promises, like so many others

Threading gently around your tattered edges,
I fed your poverty with words of
exultation, adoration and acts of undulation
knowing, because you told me and I believed, that one well intended tug could unravel your emptiness.
Not knowing that the well intended tug could also send me into your oblivion.
populated by so many others,
good company if you must ask – beautiful women, whole in their core save the
raw and gaping pit left in the wake of your destruction.

Your grief is strategic,
because “sometimes you simply must bear that burden alone…
you are afforded the autonomy to
deceive, lie and steal away into the night with yet another victim.
Nights of passion unmatched….we said.
Both of us were playing a part, you know.
Truth was lies and lies were truth,
passion was perversion,
and I fell deeply into you.

Temporarily losing my senses, I was struck blind.
Seeing only your reflection in the concave mirrors,
you were larger than life.
The world was my oyster, you said,
a gift from you to me.
But upon closer inspection,
the shell was empty;
no pearl, no mother of pearl even.

You spun and twisted and wove your contorted tale
of unicorns, long lost love and lies,
of Dylan, Baez and heavily Dosed Chili Peppers
of soul mates, music and happily ever after
of children, babies and family forever
of childhood stories of monsters lurking in the dark
and illness, slights and hurts
of daisies, butterflies and a wheaten Little Prince
I surrendered to your tale giving you all you lacked;
children, a womb and another notch in your perfect score.

But something was amiss;
too many unraveled ends,
too many unmatched cards, and
too many unanswered riddles with twists and tattered turns.
Shoddy work….
too many unreturned calls,
too many days at a distance,
too many weekends in woe, and
too many promises and privileges pulled away.
Too many, lover, too many.

So I questioned and puzzled and pondered
and was harshly scolded.
Coldly, callously,
sadistically kept for weeks at a distance
while you enveloped yourself in another’s care, but
not the one you profess you craved for your cure,
instead the personification of the Weakness in You,
kept local, kept close, kept and never left behind.

I stood stranded at the top of the Eiffel Tower,
confused, afraid and frostbitten
by the arctic freeze you blasted my way.
I blew warm breath through my hands to try to
clear the glass so I could better see you again,
my lovely long lost lover.

The heat of my breath collided with the frozen glass
and shattered the contorted Fun House mirror
into a thousand pieces
showering sharp slivers and shards
scratching and slicing and dicing me to ribbons
….and suddenly I saw you clearly
and realized that the monster you’ve feared in the dark….
was you.

~ Mk Michaels, 2007