Monday, August 29, 2016

Moving In and On

As we unpacked the last of your boxes in your off campus apartment;
books, clothes, bedding, pots and pans,
I was struck with the vividly clear thought that you are never coming home again. 

Sure, you'll visit, passing through for a day, a week, maybe several once in a blue moon or come home temporarily for life's events, but
more and more, the bedroom you made your own, the one in which you grew into yourself, the one that is vacant for longer and longer stretches of time

...has become redundant. 

As the mother who has worked diligently to never hold you back and be the support team in the background, I see your gait gaining momentum, your wings stretching farther, and your reach stretching farther than I could have possibly dreamed.  As to your bedroom at home, I leave it intact so in time it can draw its own conclusions.  

~ Mk Michaels