Friday, January 20, 2017

On the Pulse of This Morning: January 20, 2017

Photo Credit: Chad Foreman
Today, on the pulse of this morning,
I recall Her words;
so relevant,
so essential,
so fresh
they were first spoken
more than two decades ago.
Today, on the pulse of this morning,
the world changes
yet again
and we stand shell-shocked
watching the hateful tide lap
ever nearer,
kissing our unwilling toes.
Today, on the pulse of this morning,
we dance;
two steps forward, one back,
but progress
ever making progress
even in the face of
the seemingly impossible.
Today, on the pulse of this morning,
we set our sights on the future.
we march,
resisting the loss
of our humanity,
we will emerge
smarter, stronger,
more strategic.
Today, on the pulse of this morning,
we are the Tree planted by the River,
which will not be moved.
United in the chasm
of our divide,
through weary, wide eyes
we look to our sisters,
our brothers
alongside us,
drawing from our country
deep-rooted within us,
And say with the courage of our convictions
Good morning.
~ Mk Michaels
* The phrase ‘the Tree planted by the River, which will not be moved’ is included with appreciation and great respect for Dr. Maya Angelou for her inaugural poem On the Pulse of Morning, January 20, 1993.