Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The sound of water reminds me of you
The rushing coolness perks my mind
My lips are parched and I want to drink deeply

The roll of thunder announces the coming rain,
and you open the window so the patter
can serenade us as we make love
and eventually lull us to sleep in each others arms

The drops of rain fall lightly
as I lift my face to the sky, eyes closed
landing on my forehead, my cheeks, my lips
and I reach out to capture the wetness on my tongue

The discovery of that deep, greening and hidden cove
We made love there on your boat tucked away, almost hidden
Our movements rocked the boat as the water undulated around us
and I warmly surrounded you

Rounding a corner to hear the rush of your waterfall
I gasped at the surprise of it - gurgling, splashing
We climbed, slipped, helped and held each other
and listened to the water laugh its way down to the lake

The near silence in the middle of the lake, only the sound of the water
rippling around us as we sit still, the silence roaring in our ears
and finally, the sound of our passage hitting the lake shores
first one, then the other

Going home, the lapping of our wake as we move through the water
the water swirling in eddies behind us
We move smoothly, cleanly, without resistance,
without fear

~ Mk Michaels