Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Picket Fences & Redux ~ Contrapuntal

In a gutter overflowing with
pretenders, perverts and philanderers,
The palm of your right hand makes contact with my left cheek.
I hoped to find a strange bedfellow,
“You fucking asshole! “ I scream and flail backward,
if only for a night or two.
panicked, looking for an escape route.
In a quest, likely doomed from the beginning,
I have been here before
I sought a temporary savior
except not in my own home.
in a lair of cheats and liars.
Not in my own fucking home!
Spurred on by the smell of burning picket fences,
“But you like to be hit” you say,
I really didn’t care whether my search proved successful
as if this forgives your attack.
…or not.
Instead, it proves you don’t understand me at all
Why are you still here? (Why have I let you stay?)
I found a diamond in the rough,
You invaded my heart, my home, my privacy, my deepest secrets
except the rough isn’t so very and the diamond most brilliant.
and then used them all against me.
With patience, persistence, and petal softness,
I am humiliated, exposed, invaded, betrayed,
Without being intimidated by the rusty wire fences
and yet, you have made this about you.
and riot police gear you were met with,
Your betrayal, your shock, your fears,
this diamond, my diamond,
your carrot dangling in front of me
found part of the heart I had sent into hiding.
if only I am a good girl, your girl.
Oh, the picket fences still burn,
“You fucking asshole! “ I cry again and stumble backward,
but I care a lot less about their demise.
falling into the picket fence constructed from the ashes of the prior.
Pickets crumble into a pile of lost dreams
and there, sitting atop the charred ruins,
a diamond shaped piece of glass.
~ Mk Michaels, 2011