Thursday, November 12, 2015


He who angers you conquers you. ~ Elizabeth Kenny

There are times when a situation gets the best of me and I get angry. Whether or not my anger is justified is irrelevant, because what often follows is anger at myself for even being angry. Granted, some of this is the vestiges of the lessons of my youth aka, "nice girls don't get angry," but it exists all the same.  I have and continue to work diligently to learn about myself, my flaws, foibles, and the aspects of my personality which are not productive so I can eradicate them or, minimally, reduce the damaging effects on both myself and others. When I catch myself getting angry, it is always a bit disappointing to be reminded that I, too, am human and, as a result, imperfect.

So, yes, I get angry sometimes and occasionally really, really, really angry.  Often the anger is rooted in inequity, mistruths, deep unkindness, or that which seems an unfair judgment. Here’s the thing though, this type of anger is the least productive of all because we simply cannot control other’s words or actions.  By getting angry about these type situations, I am actually creating even more negative energy. Although my idealistic side would like to believe that we are all kind at our core and working toward our best and greatest selves, the reality is that there are those who have been so damaged in life that they live with a diminished ability to see the good in the world and the people surrounding them. In these situations, it is a tall order to replace the anger with compassion, but I give it my best shot anyway because those who are unable to experience the incredible good in the world and its people are those who need compassion, kindness, and love most of all.  ~ Mk Michaels