Friday, July 3, 2020

Love in the Time of Cholera

I'm prickly
and keenly aware of the salt and pepper curls
falling about my shoulders.
It’s more salt than pepper these days,
but the seductive tickle makes me want to go sleeveless or even

I want to whisper
Throaty and deep
Mmmmm …
but it sounds ridiculous
in my empty home.
As if I could practice
and reacquaint myself
with a part of me I’d thought was

I consider the curves
of a body I’ve not considered in quite some time
and wonder if she could find comfort,
ecstasy even,
in the plump mounds and valleys that have been
with me my whole life,
still riper for all my years and

I catch myself second guessing and
on the edge of tears.
For what though?
Need? Perhaps.
Fear? Maybe.
Embarrassment?  Definitely.
I’m a grown ass woman and
grown ass women don’t get swoony
particularly in the middle of a pandemic.


~ Mk Michaels, 2020