Sunday, July 5, 2020

Please Don’t Thank Me

Photo: @koshuphotography via @Unsplash

“Thank you for sharing this.”
“Thank you for saying that.”
“Thank you for speaking up.”
“Thank you for your boldness.”
“Thank you for your honesty.”
“Thank you.”

Please don’t thank me.
You shouldn’t have to thank me for being
The truth is, I am embarrassed by your gratitude.
(in this, I realize my embarrassment makes the conversation about me yet again)
I am embarrassed it took so long for me to really get it
and speak up in this way,
Embarrassed or not, I am speaking up all the same.
I’m sorry it took so long.

In truth, it is me who should thank you.
I should thank you
for continuing to speak even when you thought I wasn’t listening
for breaking it down for me … One. More. Time.
so I could hear it and finally understand.
For a smart woman,
I’ve been shockingly slow on the uptake.
Thank you for not giving up,
although I am aware you had no choice but to continue.

Your ‘thank you’ makes me realize
you haven’t expected help from me
and you’ve been disappointed by my relative silence
too many times before.
Maybe you even had given up.

Maybe you’ve just tried to live your life,
at least until the next Black person died
at the hands of those I’d been taught are here to serve and protect.
Maybe you’d stopped hoping for change
until the next time one too many impediments
were thrown in your way as you went to simply secure your vote.
Maybe you’d found your peace
until you were trigged and traumatized again,
only moments later.

So, as much as I appreciate that my actions are seen,
please, please don’t thank me for them.
I am far more than fashionably late
to the party.
I’m sorry it took so long.

~ Mk Michaels, 2020