Sunday, October 25, 2015


Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. ~ Rumi

Today, my daughter returns to school following an all too brief visit home.  

She does not fully understand this, but her departures leave me hemorrhaging in a sense. My heart twists as I hug her goodbye at the airport security checkpoint. I hold my breath until I am out of her sight and, only then, allow the tears to flow and the deep sobs which sat in my gut all morning to rise. I am certain I look like a nut case in the airport,  but the truth is I don't care. Some things transcend public perception and this, saying goodbye to my beloved daughter time and again after so many other losses in such a short time, is one of them. So I give myself the luxurious permission to not give a damn  what stories others might speculate about me as I make my way back to my car, the car which only minutes before held my dearest child safely within it. 
My daughter will return soon enough, changed yet again, but loved all the more. This is a mother's lot, to let go and yet still celebrate the changed child which returns. ~ Mk Michaels