Monday, October 12, 2015

Setting Things Right

For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

I suspect we have all had times when we realize our life has gone off track and we are living on a way which we never intended. Whether it be to live unkindly, immorally, or from a place of fear, the beauty of this life is that we almost always have the opportunity to make a change and not only change our life-trajectory, but make sincere and heartfelt amends to those we may have hurt along the way.

For example, when I was in college, I had a girlfriend who was a good person and in the course of ending our relationship, I was decidedly disrespectful and unkind. Although this may seem a relatively trivial thing, particularly thirty years after the fact, it bothered me into my adult years and while she may have moved past it, it was clear the unkind act had stuck with me. Ultimately, thanks to technology and the power of Google, I was able to track this woman down, make a sincere and humble apology, and set things as right as they could be. Since the
n, we have become friends of a sort. Most importantly, she knows that I know I behaved badly and I know I did my best to repair the damage I inflicted. I was not proud of my prior actions but found the courage to clear the air so a fresh start could be made.

Moreover, in living in such a way that I apologize when I err, I find I am less inclined to misstep, at least as far as where other's feelings are concerned. We can inflict damage in a thoughtless instant, but by making it a habit to set things right when we do, we can become more conscientious before we act and, in this, live a life we can we proud of. ~ Mk Michaels